Friday, May 30, 2014

Tips for getting out of T2 Fast!

Race sockless Sliding socks over wet feet amid the chaos of transition takes time—more than you may expect. Going sockless can help get you onto the run course faster, but if race day is your first run without socks, the outcome will be predictable. You’ll need to build a tolerance in order to run comfortably without the protection of a sock.

 Read more at Triathlon Competitor 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Flutter Kick Done Right!

Other than the freestyle pull, flutter kick is the most used skill in swimming.  Some people kick well, other people kick poorly, but just about everyone kicks a little when they swim freestyle.  While it sometimes takes a lot of thought to develop a good flutter kick, it's certainly worth the time.
Here is a small collection of five videos that all focus on the same thing... narrowing the flutter kick to a more usable level that can help make you a better swimmer.