Swim Planning is one of the hardest things to do. You can run steps or hills, cycle can be time trials, endurance or just a local ride. Well
SwimPlan.com changes that. Once you register, you can plan your workouts, from
triathlons to full competitive swim workouts. Here is an example one that you can run.
Duration 45-60 mins
Distance 3800yd
Pool length 25yd
Issued Jan 14 2008
Warm up (repeat 6 times)
• 1 x 50yd Freestyle Swim (even pace), rest 0:15 / 50yd [Easy]
Freestyle swim at a steady pace.
• 1 x 50yd Breaststroke Swim (even pace), rest 0:15 / 50yd [Easy]
Breaststroke swim at a steady pace.
Build up (repeat 2 times)
• 2 x 100yd Lateral Kick with fins, rest 0:15 / 100yd [Aerobic]
Freestyle side-on kick drill. One arm held out front, the other held loosely at your side. Keep your ear on your shoulder (except when you turn to breathe) and kick on your side. The arm out front sculls the water with a flat hand and fingers below the wrist. Reverse arms and side every full or half pool length.
• 1 x 300yd Single Arm with fins (arm out front) 12 x left, 12 x right, 12 x full stroke, rest 0:20 / 300yd [Easy]
Freestyle using one arm at a time, focusing on shoulder and hip rotation. Complete 12 arm strokes with the left arm then 12 strokes with the right arm, followed by 12 strokes using both arms. The non-stroking arm is held out front in a streamlined position.
Core (repeat 4 times)
• 5 x 100yd Freestyle Swim, target time 01:14 / 100yd, rest 0:20 / 100yd [Aerobic]
Freestyle swim at a steady pace, trying to keep closely to the given target time for every 100yd. If your target time is too easy or too difficult please complete another time trial.
• Rest 0:30 seconds [Easy]
Warm down
• 2 x 50yd Backstroke Easy, rest 0:10 / 50yd [Easy]
Backstroke swim at a slow, relaxed pace. Concentrate on long slow strokes.
• 2 x 50yd Freestyle Push & Glide, rest 0:10 / 50yd [Easy]
Freestyle swim, pausing at the end of every stroke with arms out-stretched, one held out front, the other held loosely against the body.
Intensity key
Easy: 50-60% of your maximum heart rate
Aerobic: 60-70% of your maximum heart rate
Endurance: 70-80% of your maximum heart rate
Sprint: 80-90% of your maximum heart rate
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