Well here we go, for some of us on the east coast we are heading into the off season. Yes of course we will still get out and ride and do an occasional race but for the most part we are inside. So what to do, work on your "bad" events, or find a triathlon in some warm spot, and use it for training. If your swim is your weak event, go out hard and see how the rest of the race plays out, this will give you some idea of how hard you can push and where you start to fall off. Nutrition can play a big role in your training, work on getting fluids into your system doing the run or bike. See what does not agree with your system.
There are many things that you can do, find your weak event and exploit it, attack it and make it your strong part of the triathlon, best of all enjoy the down time, the season will be back soon.
Fun warm triathlons
Think, Tri, Train!