Monday, February 9, 2009
Water with the Edge, SportAktive, FDA Approved!
Taking water to the next Level and FDA registered. So SportAktive USA is a company with a background from Scandinavia, focused on endurance sports, training and fitness. Their product formula and ingredients have been developed in the field of sports medicine science and research in experience with athletes in Scandinavia since 1987.
We all need to stay hydrated and for endurance athletes that is a bit harder to achieve. One thing that is missed and over looked is that you are hydrated before not that morning but days before is where it all starts, taking fluid in as you exercise is only hoping to keep you even. You are working on getting every advantage that you can, SportAktive get you there and beyond. Proper fluid intake before, during and after will help, therefore enhance the effectiveness of you training. Electrolyte's yea you have heard that before Gatorade tells you about it on every commercial. What they missed was the 200+ calories that you are taking in that you don't need, ok for the masses that is great, for you well you need something more and better for you. Salt loss from sweating can be significant. this makes sodium intake most advisable during prolonged exercise. One tablet of SportAktive Easy in your water bottle provides three things; fluid, electrolytes and performance.
That all you need, now go and get it SportAktive