Now I have always taken off the months between October and January, even slowed down on the running and biking. I would start my training in January, with running and a lot of indoor biking. The biking is where one can make up a lot of ground, running is where the race is won. So swimming, what should one do... Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced. I am not sure, from this article I am one of the 10% been swimming since birth, the past couple years I have dramatically reduced the time I have spent in the water.
TriFuel sums it up..
Swimming holds a unique space in triathlon. It’s the shortest of all three distances on race day, yet it often holds the highest level of stress. From our perspective as coaches, swimming is also the most costly training activity you can engage in. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you implement a swimming ban in the winter and focus your swim training within the final 20-26 weeks leading up to your “A” race.
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