Ok there are many things you can do for charity, but the Chapin Runathon is one of the best ways to earn money for charity. In the begining the kids had to go out door to door, or ask friends and family to sponsor them per mile they ran. So the incentive was to run as many miles as you could, also it was 24 hours. Time have changed and so I guess have the laws, it is not 24 hours anymore. Also the school sets up the companies that are going to donate and the miles are added up, money for charity.
Most if not all the people that participate are families and students of the school, they usually get a good turnout.
This is one of the best runs that anyone can do for a workout and it feels good because you are running with 100 of your kids closest friends and family.
Go start one at your school everyone wins.
The Runathon is perhaps Chapin's most cherished annual event. For more than 30 years, Chapin parents, students, faculty, trustees, alumni, and friends have come together on a Saturday in April to walk or run around the Chapin course. With individual pledges and corporate support, more than $23,000 is raised each year to benefit a local charity, selected by the Student Council, and Chapin's Financial Aid Fund The event has supported, among others, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, the Sunshine Foundation, United Cerebral Palsy's Camp Hollowbrook, Rainbow House, the Stony Brook-Millstone Watershed Association, the Loaves & Fishes soup kitchen, Woman Space, Habitat for Humanity, and HomeFront. The past 30 Runathons have raised a total of over $357,000. Net proceeds of the Runathon are divided equally between Chapin scholarships and a local charity."