The season is upon us and taking a little extra precaution is always needed, but forgotten. Unless you carry your wallet, phone or licenses there is no real way to tell who you are if you are unconscious, leaving loved ones and other wondering what to do with you, also it is against the law to not have ID on you.
RoadID has the solution a band that has all your info on it. Where it like a watch and never leave home without it. With gas prices getting as high as they are predicting, more and more will start to take to the road that means more obstacle for drivers to look for while they are on the phone, reading a text message or sending a email that can't wait till they get out of the car.
"If you are a runner, cyclist, triathlete or just a person who doesn't sit on the couch all day, Road ID is for you. This awesome piece of gear not only looks good but it could save your life. In the event of an accident, if you can't speak for yourself, your Road ID will. Available in 5 different styles. It's not just a piece of gear - it's peace of mind."
Go get it..