Now the green movement can start for Mini owners, Activity Trailer allows you to haul all your outdoor gear with safety and style and still economize on fuel. With the addition of the new folding tent and swing up riser bar options the Dooit is even more versatile, allowing comfortable off the ground camping on a 2.5 inch foam mattress AND the ability to haul bikes, kayaks and other gear.
The DOOIT™ is scaled to be safely towed by compact and subcompact cars and other smaller vehicles. The typical car in this class has a width of 66” – 67”, and the 55” overall width of the trailer and its load are well within the wind envelope of the vehicle. Trailers built for the standard automobile have widths that extend beyond the sides of this class of vehicle creating a safety issue. The maximum GVW of 500 pounds (trailer and load) is well within the design limits of a vehicle’s axles and its braking systems, yet still allows carrying a significant amount of equipment.