Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Transition Bag, Nathan, Human Proulision Labs
HUGE, Space for almost everything that you could need. The only thing that would not fit is a bike, even a fold up one. Oh well, can't win them all. I have played with two of these bags and both have more than enough room for all your stuff on race day, but changing cloths as well and your victory speech. The Holiday addition of Triathlete Magazine did a review of this bag as well. Now the off season is not only about getting your body ready for the grueling season ahead, but get your life and stuff in order. What better way than to be able to have all your Tri gear in one place, back pack it over to the transition area and unzip, layout your stuff and even be able to have a pad to step on once you come into T1. Yes that's right it has a pad that folds down/up making transition T1 even easier.
Happy Holidays!