Friday, May 30, 2008
Black Bear Triathlon, Sunday June 1st!
Black Bear is upon us and for some this kicks off the their Tri Season. CGI Events has a great little series going for all types of levels, and last year introduced a premier Triathlon event to central NJ, NJ State Triathlon coming up for its second year on July 27th. Back to Black Bear everything is looking good for the Tri, except the water temp being in the high 50 to low 60, Jersey Area Multisport (JAM) went out last weekend to report that it was cold, meat thermometer said 58 degrees. To get a clue of how crazy we all are this weekend;
"Water below 60 degrees is dangerously cold, at 40 you become to numb to help yourself in just a few minutes and may become unconscious in as little as 12 minutes. Any immersion over 6 minutes is considered long. This may not be much of a problem in a shallow stream where you can get out quickly but is a problem in a deep fast river, in rapids or in the middle of a lake. Lake Powell water temperature in March is 52 degrees. An average adult has 50/50 chance of surviving a 50-yard swim in 50-degree water."
So keep moving and get out before 12 minutes :-). If you are not registered and would like to see what happens at a Tri event come by and get a glimpse there is a lot to do and see.
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Colorado Altitude Training, Walk-In Tent
Tent System Blowout! High Altitude Training is the biggest rage, living in the east you have no choice but to get a CAT, there are three tents models to choose from and two room conversions, now that would be cool, if money was not a factor.
"Since the landmark studies of Ben Levine and Jim Stray-Gundersen in the '90s, Living High - Training Low has become recognized as THE best method for increasing sporting performances.
Compared with the traditional altitude training camp, where the improvements from the time spent at altitude were often negated by the reduced ability to train hard whilst there, "Live High - Train Low" provides the best of both worlds.
CAT's altitude simulation systems mean that this method of training is no longer limited to just those who are fortunate enough to live near the mountains. Furthermore, by removing almost all of the compromises traditionally involved with altitude training, this method has opened the door to benefiting those involved in sorter-distance events where previously the trade-off was simply not worthwhile.
Studies on the left have been grouped into those primarily looking at performances for athletes in aerobic-type activities, and for those involved in anaerobic-type sports."
Friday, May 9, 2008
Seasons Forget Me Not's, RoadID

The season is upon us and taking a little extra precaution is always needed, but forgotten. Unless you carry your wallet, phone or licenses there is no real way to tell who you are if you are unconscious, leaving loved ones and other wondering what to do with you, also it is against the law to not have ID on you.
RoadID has the solution a band that has all your info on it. Where it like a watch and never leave home without it. With gas prices getting as high as they are predicting, more and more will start to take to the road that means more obstacle for drivers to look for while they are on the phone, reading a text message or sending a email that can't wait till they get out of the car.
"If you are a runner, cyclist, triathlete or just a person who doesn't sit on the couch all day, Road ID is for you. This awesome piece of gear not only looks good but it could save your life. In the event of an accident, if you can't speak for yourself, your Road ID will. Available in 5 different styles. It's not just a piece of gear - it's peace of mind."
Go get it..
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