No matter which endurance sport you love, eating right makes a big difference in how you perform. But active lifestyles don’t always leave time to prepare great meals. The Athlete’s Plate solves the no-time-for-mealtime problem with 85 recipes that are quick to prepare, nutritionally complete, and seasonally fresh.
Professional chef and endurance athlete Adam Kelinson is your guide from the grocery store to the kitchen. He’ll show you how to save time when you shop and prepare his delicious, balanced meals using local, organic ingredients. The Athlete’s Plate sheds complicated nutrition programs and calorie charts in favor of a seasonal food philosophy that fits seamlessly into the lifestyles of active individuals.
Kelinson offers a worry-free way to balanced nutrition, incorporating all the macro- and micronutrients that you need to fuel and recover for training and racing. He steers you clear of supplements, pills, powders, and potions. Instead, he offers real food for maximum performance.
Whatever your sport, The Athlete’s Plate will provide the information and inspiration you need to get your nutrition program on the right track.