Chrissie Wellington is just plain fast, getting faster, scary to see what she might do in Kona this year, I think she held back when she broke the record a couple years ago.
Seems the story was the same, come out in first after the swim, extend the lead on the Bike and be blazing fast on the run.
The fifth man is a woman
The world sensation was completed by three-times Hawaii-winner Chrissie Wellington, who won for the third time straight at Challenge Roth - and again with a new world record. The best female triathlete in the world was able to once again improve her own record from last year of 8:19:13 hours by one minute and crossed the finish line after exactly 8:18:13 hours. Almost as incredible: Wellington finished fifth overall and can now rightfully claim to belong among the top 5 men. The 34 year-old athlete, who presented herself in excellent shape led the race from start to finish and can currently only beat herself.
After Chrissie Wellingtons finish the 180,000 spectators had to wait for a while for the ladies in the second and third places. With a time of 8:56:23 hours the young German rookie Julia Wagner was able to make her dream come true and cross the finish line in the second spot, followed by Rebekah Keat from Australia with 8:59:22 hours.
Truly a inspiration to all, smiling all the way.