Rollers, tough, challenging and one of the best workouts you can get. Why, well not only are you peddling to keep going but you must balance on 3 inch aluminum roller that are about 2 feet wide. So after about a 1/2 hour you will feel as though you have ridden for well over an hour. You are concentrating the whole time so watching TV is out of the questions, a little break in concentration and off you go. Start by rolling next to a poll (something to brace yourself with) getting going is the toughest part, the rest at the beginning is just learning to ride all over again. You will be surprised on how all over the place you really are, after you see how tough it is to bike in a straight line imagine what you look like on the road, weaving ever so slightly transferred into lost power remember the bike likes to go straight, it scrubs speed when you turn.
Not only do rollers provide the most awesome stationary workout with incredible real-world ride feel, but they're also simple to set-up, store and transport. For warming up before a race or watching the time fly by during an indoor ride, rollers offer the ultimate in versatility and simplicity.