So the sales are starting and it seems as though Triathlon companies might be feeling the heat. When you see Velocity - Speedsuit going for $125 it is hard not to purchase, even if you don't need one, eventually you will. You can't argue with Xterra results on this product either, the Velocity is elegantly fast. Just ask the fastest swimmers at both the 2007 and 2008 Ford Ironman World Championship – they were First out of the Water. Or ask 5 of the top 8 age-grouper swimmers at the 2007 Ford Ironman World Championship, or the 1st 2nd and 3rd fastest age-group swimmers at the 2008 Ford Ironman World Championship. It’s so fast, it’s no wonder the Velocity is the number one choice when wetsuits are verboten. Approved by both USA Triathlon and FINA.
Now get your Christmas gift early I am sure this could replace your wetsuit at many events.