Every sport should steal this concept, have a totally tricked out bike and the person who wins the race gets to use it at the next event, professionally set up and components replace. This would be great for the sport of Triathlons, since the bikes get quite expensive. Here is GT Bikes idea in a nut shell.
"Meet the GT Golden Bike. It’s light. It’s fast. It’s got the best frame and components anywhere. Oh, and did we mention it’s completely gold? Starting on April 19th, the Golden Bike will be up for grabs at races around the country. Win the race, win the bike. It’s that easy. But there’s a catch. Winning the Golden Bike means you have to defend it at the next Golden race. Don't worry, we'll cover your race fee, put you up in a hotel and fly you and a friend there. We'll also give you a GT Golden Race jersey and a $250 Sugoi gift certificate. But you’d better win or you’ll surrender the Golden Bike and all its glory to whoever does. With all that said, good luck winning the Golden Bike. You’ll need it."
So imagine a triathlon series like this, first you get a wetsuit or speed suit (golden of course) then a tricked out tri bike followed up with a sweet pair of running shoes and some price money of course. What a following you could get.
Just a thought way to go GT.