Monday, May 7, 2007
Bike Body Position video
At Think Tri, we are about making you faster by showing or telling you way's to accomplish that! Now not to take anyone away from, but YouTube is one of the best places to find hundreds of videos, from swimming to biking and even running. What I am trying to do is find the best so that you don't have to, keeping you in one place, ThinkTri.
This video is about body position on a bike and finding the comfort level, based on body position, it can even give you some knowledge when purchasing a bike. What I find the best part and most overlooked for most triathlete's is the shifters and breaks on the aero-bars (Profile Design). Having the shifters and breaks on the ends of your bars keeps you in the tuck position enabling a great stream and not having to sit up or move around to shift or break.
Check it out!